Functions: Utils

There are several helper methods available that abstract Bitcoin internals away in the main function implementation.


Bitcoin uses a double SHA256 hash to protect against “length-extension” attacks.


Bitcoin uses little endian representations when sending hashes across the network and for storing values internally. For more details, see the documentation. The output of the SHA256 function is big endian by default.

Function Signature



  • data: bytes encoded input.


  • hash: the double SHA256 hash encodes as a bytes from data.

Function Sequence

  1. Hash data with sha256.

  2. Hash the result of step 1 with sha256.

  3. Return hash.


A function that computes a parent hash from two child nodes. This function is used in the reconstruction of the Merkle tree.

Function Signature

concatSha256d(left, right)


  • left: 32 bytes of input data that are added first.

  • right: 32 bytes of input data that are added second.


  • hash: the double sha256 hash encoded as a bytes from left and right.

Function Sequence

  1. Concatenate left and right into a 64 bytes.

  2. Call the sha256d function to hash the concatenated bytes.

  3. Return hash.


This function calculates the PoW difficulty target from a compressed nBits representation. See the Bitcoin documentation for further details. The computation for the difficulty is as follows:

\[\text{target} = \text{significand} * \text{base}^{(\text{exponent} - 3)}\]

Function Signature



  • nBits: 4 bytes compressed PoW target representation.


  • target: PoW difficulty target computed from nBits.

Function Sequence

  1. Extract the exponent by shifting the nBits to the right by 24.

  2. Extract the significand by taking the first three bytes of nBits.

  3. Calculate the target via the equation above and using 2 as the base (as we use the U256 type).

  4. Return target.


Verifies the currently submitted block header has the correct difficulty target.

Function Signature

checkCorrectTarget(hashPrevBlock, blockHeight, target)


  • hashPrevBlock: 32 bytes previous block hash (necessary to retrieve previous target).

  • blockHeight: height of the current block submission.

  • target: PoW difficulty target computed from nBits.


  • True: if the difficulty target is set correctly.

  • False: otherwise.

Function Sequence

  1. Retrieve the previous block header with the hashPrevBlock from the BlockHeaders storage and the difficulty target (prevTarget) of this (previous) block.

  2. Check if the prevTarget difficulty should be adjusted at this blockHeight.

    1. If the difficulty should not be adjusted, check if the target of the submitted block matches the prevTarget of the previous block and check that prevTarget``is not ``0. Return false if either of these checks fails.

    2. The difficulty should be adjusted. Calculate the new expected target by calling the computeNewTarget function and passing the timestamp of the previous block (get using hashPrevBlock key in BlockHeaders), the timestamp of the last re-target (get block hash from Chains using blockHeight - 2016 as key, then query BlockHeaders) and the target of the previous block (get using hashPrevBlock key in BlockHeaders) as parameters. Check that the new target matches the target of the current block (i.e., the block’s target was set correctly).

      1. If the newly calculated target difficulty matches target, return True.

      2. Otherwise, return False.


Computes the new difficulty target based on the given parameters, as implemented in the Bitcoin core client.

Function Signature

computeNewTarget(prevTime, startTime, prevTarget)


  • prevTime: timestamp of previous block.

  • startTime: timestamp of last re-target.

  • prevTarget: PoW difficulty target of the previous block.


  • newTarget: PoW difficulty target of the current block.

Function Sequence

  1. Compute the actual time span between prevTime and startTime.

  2. Compare if the actual time span is smaller than the target interval divided by 4 (default target interval in Bitcoin is two weeks). If true, set the actual time span to the target interval divided by 4.

  3. Compare if the actual time span is greater than the target interval multiplied by 4. If true, set the actual time span to the target interval multiplied by 4.

  4. Calculate the newTarget by multiplying the actual time span with the prevTarget and dividing by the target time span (2 weeks for Bitcoin).

  5. If the newTarget is greater than the maximum target in Bitcoin, set the newTarget to the maximum target (Bitcoin maximum target is \(2^{224}-1\)).

  6. Return the newTarget.


The computeMerkle function calculates the root of the Merkle tree of transactions in a Bitcoin block. Further details are included in the Bitcoin developer reference.

Function Signature

computeMerkle(txId, txIndex, merkleProof)


  • txId: the hash identifier of the transaction.

  • txIndex: index of transaction in the block’s transaction Merkle tree.

  • merkleProof: Merkle tree path (concatenated LE sha256 hashes).


  • merkleRoot: the hash of the Merkle root.


  • ERR_INVALID_MERKLE_PROOF = "Invalid Merkle Proof structure": raise an exception if the Merkle proof is malformed.

Function Sequence

  1. Check if the length of the Merkle proof is 32 bytes long.

    1. If true, only the coinbase transaction is included in the block and the Merkle proof is the merkleRoot. Return the merkleRoot.

    2. If false, continue function execution.

  2. Check if the length of the Merkle proof is greater or equal to 64 and if it is a power of 2.

    1. If true, continue function execution.

    2. If false, raise ERR_INVALID_MERKLE_PROOF.

  3. Calculate the merkleRoot. For each 32 bytes long hash in the Merkle proof:

    1. Determine the position of transaction hash (or the last resulting hash) at either 0 or 1.

    2. Slice the next 32 bytes from the Merkle proof.

    3. Concatenate the transaction hash (or last resulting hash) with the 32 bytes of the Merkle proof in the right order (depending on the transaction/last calculated hash position).

    4. Calculate the double SHA256 hash of the concatenated input with the concatSha256d function.

    5. Repeat until there are no more hashes in the merkleProof.

  4. The last resulting hash from step 3 is the merkleRoot. Return merkleRoot.


Assume we have the following input:

  • txId: 330dbbc15169c538583073fd0a7708d8de2d3dc155d75b361cbf5c24b73f3586

  • txIndex: 0

  • merkleProof: 86353fb7245cbf1c365bd755c13d2dded808770afd73305838c56951c1bb0d33b635f586cf6c4763f3fc98b99daf8ac14ce1146dc775777c2cd2c4290578ef2e

The computeMerkle function would go past step 1 as our proof is longer than 32 bytes. Next, step 2 would also be passed as the proof length is equal to 64 bytes and a power of 2. Last, we calculate the Merkle root in step 3 as shown below.

Compute Merkle example execution.

Fig. 13 An example of the computeMerkle function with a transaction from a block that contains two transactions in total.


Given the target, calculates the Proof-of-Work difficulty value, as defined in the Bitcoin wiki.

Function Signature



  • target: target as specified in a Bitcoin block header.


  • difficulty: difficulty calculated from given target.

Function Sequence

  1. Return 0xffff0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 (max. possible target, also referred to as “difficulty 1”) divided by target.


Helper function allowing to query the list of tracked forks (Forks) for the identifier of a fork given its last submitted (“highest”) block hash.


Function Signature



  • blockHash: block hash of the last submitted block to a fork.


  • forkId: if there exists a fork with blockHash as latest submitted block in forkHashes.

  • ERR_FORK_ID_NOT_FOUND: otherwise.


  • ERR_FORK_ID_NOT_FOUND = Fork ID not found for specified block hash.": return this error if there exists no forkId for the given blockHash.

Function Sequence

  1. Loop over all entries in Forks and check if forkHashes[forkHashes.length -1] == blockhash

    1. If True: return the corresponding forkId.

  2. Return ERR_FORK_ID_NOT_FOUND otherwise.


Increments the current ChainCounter and returns the new value.


Function Signature



  • chainCounter: the new integer value of the ChainCounter.

Function Sequence

  1. ChainCounter++

  2. Return ChainCounter